The A Sharp Major Chord On The Piano – Charts, Fingering & Inversions

A sharp major Chord piano diagram

The A sharp Major Chord on the piano, consisting of the notes A#, C##, and E#, exudes a warm and vibrant sound, often found in soulful jazz compositions.

How to play the A sharp Major Chord on the piano

A sharp Major Chord in root position

A sharp major chord root position piano diagram

For the left hand, the root note of the chord should be played with the pinky finger, while the other two notes should be played with the thumb and middle finger. For the right hand, the notes of the chord should be played with the thumb, middle finger, and pinky finger, with the thumb playing the highest note.

A sharp Major Chord inversions

First Inversion

A sharp major chord 1st inversion piano diagram

To move from the root position to the first inversion, simply take the bottom note of the root position chord and move it up an octave.

Second Inversion

A sharp major chord 2nd position piano diagram

To move from the root position to the second inversion of an A sharp Major Chord on the piano, the notes A#, C##, and E# are rearranged to E#, A#, and C##.